Front view of Coastal Mechanical Systems

2022 Propeller Club "Oyster Fest"

Completed work from CMS

Front view of Coastal Mechanical Systems
About Us
Coastal Mechanical Systems is a small business that started in 2010. The company was started by Ralph Bollinger with multiple years of experience in ship repair. Companywide we have over 200 years' experience in the ship repair business.
We have skilled trades people that Consist of pipefitters, pipe welders, outside machinists, riggers, electricians, structural fitters and welders. We have Government approved Quality and Safety programs in place including welding procedures and certifications.
We provide services primarily in the Hampton Roads area, but travel regularly to Florida, up and down the East Coast, West Coast and Hawaii when called upon.
We are currently working at Nassco Norfolk, MHI Midtown, BAE Ship Systems, Naval Station Norfolk. Naval Station Mayport, and Little Creek.
We are always looking for lines of opportunity. We have recently teamed up with a local fabricator building components for commercial type factories (chemical, power plants and NASA)
Company Vision
“It is our vision to be the first company our Customer calls when they need to get something done right, on time and within budget.”
Mission Statement
“The mission of Coastal Mechanical Systems, LLC. is to provide our client’s premier service by consistently thinking safety before, during, and after a job is complete. Coastal Mechanical Systems, LLC. aspires to set the standard where Safety and Quality come first”.
Core Company Values
Do The Right Thing
"Integrity is the foundation for everything we do. We are admired and respected for our commitment to honesty, trust, and transparency. We do the right thing — even when no one is watching."
Get it done
Our Customers trust us to build things that work and we take that seriously. Our team will overcome obstacles, find solutions and deliver exceptional results.
Own it
We hold ourselves accountable for outcomes, good and bad. We don’t pass the buck.
If you know the best way to do something, you’ll do good work. If you share that knowledge with others, you’ll become a leader.
We help each other thrive
​We show up as real, vulnerable, transparent human beings who speak from the heart, value others’ contributions, and invest in each other’s growth.
We respect and value people of all backgrounds. Together, we create a more equal workplace and world.